We are committed to providing high quality and cost efficient renewable energy solutions to our customers, reducing energy consumption while creating positive environmental impacts.

What we do
Upon partnering with us to reduce your energy costs, our proven professionals will design a system and/or financing package tailored to your current objectives and long-term priorities. We are also pursuing several micro-grid opportunities with world-class cogeneration and storage partners.

As result of Yarotek’s activities on the island




Based on actual energy production until 06/30/22, estimating future production
assuming normal weather and conditions and no extraordinary interruption.

- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
2009 - Concept Development
2009Samy and Lenny, the company’s cofounders, considered a range of clean tech sectors, including solar, wind, water and waste to energy. A key theme was to explore how Israeli technologies in these fields could be integrated into the company’s business development. Ultimately, Yarotek was launched with an initial focus on solar power in Puerto Rico.
2010 - November Yarotek’s first PPA with PREPA
2010After over six months of getting acquainted with the Puerto Rico electric power authority, Yarotek signed its first power purchasing agreement (PPA) for 50 MW. Yarotek explored introducing concentrated solar power to the island in partnership with a leading Israeli enterprise before adopting photovoltaic as the preferred technology.
2011 - Strategic Partnerships
2011Several months after securing its PPA, Yarotek entered into a strategic partnership with Sonnedix, a global solar independent power producer. Ultimately this relationship led to the development, construction and operation of two utility scale solar power plants (Oriana and Horizon) in Puerto Rico – additional Facilities Under Development
2012 - Land Acquisition Permitting & Grandfathering of Equipment to retain cash grant status
2012Over the course of 18 months, Yarotek analyzed several land possibilities around relevant interconnection points for it’s 50 MW project. Ultimately, we secured almost 300 cuerdas/acres suitable for the construction of a solar power plant. Moreover, the Oriana partnership purchased approximately 12 million of inverters to qualify for the 30% cash grant incentive.
2013 - Permitting Completion for Oriana
2013Extensive permitting was completed to ensure that the designated land met all zoning, environmental and suitability requirements.
2014 - Construct of BH and Horizon began
2014Construction began on Horizon, the 15.5 MW facility within the Sonnedix-Yarotek joint venture as well as the 874 kW Ballester Hermanos refrigerated warehouse roof mount, Yarotek’s inaugural commercial/industrial solar plant.
2015 - Completed Ballester Hermanos & Horizon
2015Horizon is located in Salinas, Puerto Rico on 10 “cuerdas”, with a capacity of 10-megawatts AC (15.7 MWp) generated by over 167,000 thin-film solar panels grouped in ground-mounted fixed-tilt arrays. Ballester Hermanos is a distributed generator connected to the Utility grid under a Net-Metering Agreement with the client with capacity of 750 kWac (874.23 kWp) generated by 2,534 monocrystalline solar panels, located at the building rooftop – mounted on “ballast-mounted” fixed-tilt arrays.
2017 - Centro Sor Isolina Ferre Development & Maria hits PR
2017CSIF Eenergy PV System (“CSIF”) is a distributed generator connected to the Utility grid under a Net-Metering Agreement with the client with capacity of 164 kWac (208.3 kWp), generated by 637 Sunpower monocrystalline solar panels, located at the building rooftop on fixed-tilt racking arrays.
2018 - First tax equity transaction closed
2018Following the expiration of the cash grant for projects completed after 2016, Yaroetk negotiated a $10 million, multi-year facility with GAF, one of the country’s leading tax equity providers. GAF and Yarotek have already partnered on two commercial project, with several more in our pipeline.
2019 - Grandfathering of Panels & Additional Facilities go Online
2019CSIF – Tabaiba and Caimito.
1 Mgh of modules were purchased and grandfathered to enjoy full 30% investment tax credits for any projects in respect to which the panels would be deployed.
2020 - Yarotek 10 year anniversary & First rapid-shutdown system in the island
2020Becton Dickinson and Colegio de Ingenieros (first rapid-shutdown system).
2021 - Yarotek expands into mainland US
2021After over a decade focusing nearly exclusively on Puerto Rico, Yarotek decided to invest additional human and other resources to expand its business to the continental United States.
2022 - Yarotek continues to expands into mainland US
2022As part of its foray into the continental US, Yarotek secures site control of 2,000+ acres for four projects totaling over 290 megawatts of capacity in Virginia and Ohio. Additionally, Yarotek obtained PJM Queue positions for each of the four projects and has initiated the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process for all of them.